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Submit Your Manuscript for Publication

Submitting to Quill House

To get your manuscript considered for publication there are three possible steps. 

  • A query: We prefer an email or USPS query letter as the initial contact. Tell us what your book is about and tell us about yourself.
  • A brief submission: Include a cover letter, a synopsis of the book, a table of contents (if applicable), the introduction, and portions of a chapter. Keep all within 10 to 15 pages. Be sure your name, contact information, and the title of your book is on the first page of every section. Number the pages of each section. Identify each attachment with the name of your book i.e., MY MOTHER'S STORY synopsis, MY MOTHER'S STORY sample chapter, etc. Upload your file below. 
  • If we have requested your full manuscript, send a hard copy together with an electronic copy by United States mail. The copy should be identified with your name and contact information. The pages should be numbered. We do not read manuscripts on the computer and we do not print out manuscripts.

My submission

Use the form below to send your 10 to 15 page submission query. Put all pieces in one file and upload that file

Do not use this upload function to send your entire manuscript unless we request you to do so.

NOTE:  We do not consider simultaneous submission, i.e., we require an exclusive submission.


Contact Information

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